Imagine Your Neck using pancakes

January 15, 2020

This is a model of the neck using pancakes to represent different segments and their movement possibilities. The eyes in front are a reminder that there is a sense of where each segment is “looking”. The red licorice on the sides of the neck represents the large muscles there and then I take those off […]

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Collar Bones are KEY. Use a hot dog as an image to find this part of you!

January 16, 2020

In this video, the collar bone is represented as a hot dog, then split into 3 parts representing 3 different areas. Each 1/3 of the hot dog can imply a unique position sense and movement sense. This area is a KEY place for resolving neck, shoulder and rib pain. You can’t change your posture overall […]

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Is your collar bone rolled down or up?

January 18, 2020

The top of the core is the transition bone- the collar bone. It has a huge influence on how well you can balance your core and therefore your spine. Your collar bones influence how well your shoulders, neck, and head balance on your core. The collar bone muscles are great at holding steady positions and […]

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Hot dog represents your collar bone. Can it rotate forward and back?

January 31, 2020

The collar bone will move forward as the arm reaches forward. The collar bone moves back as the arm reaches back. Sounds easy enough but here’s the important part: your brain provides you with a sense of movement that is an average of what’s moving. So, you may think all sections of your collar bone […]

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Hot dogs for collar bones: lift up and press down motions

February 2, 2020

In this video, we will take a look at a third major motion of the collar bone which is the movement up and down. It’s important to begin to notice if your collar bones, represented here as hot dogs, can position level. Your brain tends to take an average of the most moveable sections of […]

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Looking at the front of your core

January 2, 2020

Using cakes as a model for moveable sections So, now we’re going to use my cake model as a representation of your torso. Here’s a glass bowl at the bottom which represents the hard bones of the pelvis. You can see that this is sort of a squishy model. At the bottom the orange is […]

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Looking at the back of your core.

January 2, 2020

How the spine relates to your core. Imagine your body parts in mostly food. We’re no longer looking at the front. We’re looking at the back of the cake. The column of your torso. It’s kind of hard to put this all together without making an utter mess. Imagine we’ve got a couple of vertebrae. […]

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What’s turning your core?

January 2, 2020

Explore where your core muscles are. For someone who has had injury to the spine or arthritis, there can be a number of interesting things going on such as extreme rigidity for the spine segments. Or there can be a trading of movement generated at the spine to movement generated out in some of the […]

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Low back help: Re-connect the feeling of movement with a specific frozen place.

January 9, 2020

Here’s a way to begin to find your lumbar spine. Yeah, low back pain is all too common. Usually chronically painful low backs have imbalanced muscle activity when one considers that the low back should be able to forward and backward bend, sideways bend and twist left and right. With intermediate levels of refined sense […]

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Position Understood orientation for your foot.

December 28, 2019

In order to start changing muscle action, you first have to have some sense of basic orientation to the part of the body you are noticing. Before getting very refined…you have to be sure the basics are in place in your awareness. Just like starting to use a compass or navigating system, you need a […]

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