Mind Body Physical Therapy
I am retired from my clinical practice. My contact email is: MINDBODYPHYSICALTHERAPY@GMAIL.COM
I have not cleaned up some of the details on the site such as my last office address etc.
“For six years I had debilitating lower back pain. Twice I had surgery. As a Massage Therapist I knew and went to the best practitioners in the field. Rachel addressed my pain with a unique approach. I have been pain free for over 3 years now. Rachel uses techniques which are painless and powerful.
– Elaine Calenda, Academic Dean, Boulder College of Massage Therapy,“Rachel is a very thoughtful and intentional physical therapist, who has a unique and intelligible way of looking at complex cases. We have had a number of productive conversations that have lead to a different and more effective approach to treat some of my more challenging patients. She has a true gift for teaching and treating. I am fortunate to have met and worked with her; she is an excellent resource.” Kate C. PT
Chronic Pain Relief and Pain Management in the Boulder area.
Your pain may be from an injury, a surgery, an illness, or an accident. Some pain problems have no clear cause. You may be dealing with a complex and chronic pain. Have you waited for your pain to go away on its own and it hasn’t? Prior therapies may have given you partial or intermittent success.
Often, complicated and entrenched pain problems do not respond to traditional treatments despite the inclusion of manual therapy and exercise. You may need an approach that is both specifically focused and comprehensive enough to address all the factors that sustain the pain in your unique situation. Many pain problems, even if they are longstanding, can be resolved.
I am a licensed Physical Therapist with over 35 years experience treating patients with chronic pain and complex pain situations. I teach other Physical Therapists, Occupational, and Massage Therapists how to address difficult and complex pain conditions. Read more ...
It is a challenge to find the right help. You can call me and talk about your situation. My cell phone is: 303-875-7878.
Conditions successfully treated:
- Headaches, migraines
- Neck pain
- Rib pain
- Low back pain, lumbar pain, sciatica, herniated disc, and lumbar joint pain
- Shoulders issues such as rotator cuff injuries, loss of movement, frozen shoulders, shoulder impingement, bursitis
- Repetitive use injuries, carpal tunnel compression, and tendonitis
- Leg pain in the hip, the ITB, the knee, patellar tracking, chondromalacia
- Ankle sprains, fractures and foot issues like plantar fasciitis, toe pain after foot surgeries and reconstructions. read more
- Dizziness and balance problems
- Arthritis, joint deformities, aging and degenerative joint disease
- Traumatic injuries including car accidents, whiplash, bike crashes, falls, crush injuries, and RSD/CRPS.
- Muscle spasm and muscle pain
- Emotion and stress from current or previous life challenges can overlay into a pain problem
I take a number of insurances including Medicaid and Cigna.
Most medical insurance plans cover Physical Therapy. Plan details vary and may change. Because there are quirks to getting the details right, I will take the time to call your insurance company for you, verify your Physical Therapy benefits, call you back and let you know what your coverage is prior to meeting. We can discuss any issues prior to therapy. I don’t like insurance surprises and I bet you don’t either.
Your concerns are important, and I am available to speak with you and answer your treatment or insurance questions. I am located in Boulder at 5603 Arapahoe, Unit 5 Boulder, CO 80303. This office is easily accessible from Boulder, Louisville, Lafayette, Erie, Niwot, Gunbarrel, Broomfield and Arvada.
Please feel free to talk with me,
Rachel Katz, PT at 303- 875-7878